Trip to the city of Yogyakarta

The city of Yogyakarta, which is really special

Yogyakarta does offer an endless cultural tour. The relics of the past are still well preserved, the residents are still full of customs and preserve the existing culture makes the city of Yogyakarta perfect to be a tourist destination. Of the many tourist attractions in Yogyakarta, there are some places I visited while I was in this city. 
One of them is Taman Sari Yogyakarta Tour, a favorite place for tourists.

Taman Sari in Javanese word means “a truly beautiful garden”. During Panembahan Senapati era, the place known as Umbul Pacethokan. Taman Sari was built after the Treaty of  Giyanti (1755) during the reign of Sultan Hamengkubuwono I and completed during the reign of Sultan Hamengkubuwono II. The building is intended to be used to calming the heart, resting place, and recreational purpose. It was fortress to face the danger situation and also used for religious facilities.

This is a complex with pools where the Sultan of Yogyakarta's wives and children swam and the Sultan chose his consort for the night he viewed us the pool from above the Verandah. There is a separate private pool for the Sultan as well as a sauna room. There are 4 different types of architectural influences to be seen. Earlier now the pools were fed by natural springs. There was a beautiful garden at the entrance meant for the wives and children, which is actually the back entrance, the Sultan would dance here as well as a garden and a lake outside surrounding the complex which are all gone now. There remains a beautiful entrance gate from where the Sultan formally entered.
The price of the entrance ticket to Taman Sari Yogyakarta Rp 5000/person for local tourists, and, Rp 12000/person for foreign tourists. And if you bring a camera, be priced Rp 2000.
I suggest, if you guys want to come here, come morning. Opened every day from 08.00-17.00 WIB, this place is usually crowded visitors at the time of holidays.
Next trip on Yogyakarta is Hutan Pinus Mangunan.

First into the pine forest it out of curiosity and was urged by a friend. Initially less sure reply pine forests will be so fun attractions. It turns out that while until there, we were served with a direct view of the pine trees that very much and the water is very refreshing. Probably because far away from urban areas. 
While I was there, the tour provided by a pine forest, this looks increasingly good. With the addition of flower decoration in some places. And may be added to the play area for the kids such as swing and other things. So that the visitors will be welcome if a visit to pine forests.

Don’t use footwear which complicate you while walking there. Use footwear such as sneakers, because the terrain there when a complication there is land and many small hills and uneven path (such as hiking). There are some pretty good photo spot and instagramable. But when a lot of visitors, must be willing to wait. Overall, I’m satisfied to visit and see this place.
Admission is also still very cheap. I forget exactly how, but under Rp 10.000 and that includes parking. Recommended to come here around 7-11 a.m so this place wouldn't be that crowded.
Last but not least, the next place I visited “Candi Ratu Boko”.
Ratu Boko Temple is one of the heritage that is often also known as Ratu Boko Palace. Called Ratu Boko Palace because the fact this building looks more like a Palace than a castle or a temple. Ratu Boko Temple is situated on a hilly region of Batur Agung, and standing at an altitude of 196 metres above sea level.
Ratu Boko temple complex is a building complex consisting of several parts. This temple complex stands on land which was very broad, overall the temple complex has an area of about 25 hectares. Ratu Boko's own name is retrieved from the legend of the local community who believed the sights supposedly belonged to Ratu Boko Palace is that nobody else was the father of Roro Jonggrang.

For here could use a path through the borobudur Temple or prambanan Temple, prepared for transportation to this place. When me and my friend here using with motorcycles and hard pressed to find where the location of the entrance gate to the Ratu Boko Temple. But finally succeeded after ask citizens around there and ask Google. When I arrived there, which there is only quiet, cool, and positive. Coupled with the cool weather while I was there, I couldn't not come again there on my next visit.
There, the silence only for a period of at least one hour, to absorb any natural sound there, breathe air, and deeply grateful. Sure, the home is definitely in much better circumstances. 

For the price of admission you guys can pay for Rp 50.000/person and if you guys want to enjoy sunset at Ratu Boko Temple must spend money Rp 100000/person. Or you guys can buy the tickects with prambanan temple for Rp. 75.000/person.
So here's a review I can give in my journey to the city of Yogyakarta. Still many of the attractions provided this special city, but .... Because of the time and money that would be sure not. Lol. Hopefully what I share this useful for you guys.

Reference by Google.


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